Monday, November 22, 2010

One Year Ago, the Truth Came Out

In 2009, a scandal broke out in Europe, which most Americans were ignorant. Emails from scientists revealed there was manipulation of data in climate change research, showing exaggerations of how severe things really were and the urgency to act now on global policy to stop global warming.

But, then the truth came out, and it turns out scientists were lying. Chairman of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Rajendra Pachauri has come out and says he regrets the falsehood of saying there would be no more glaciers in the Himalayas by 2035. Read his full statement here.

Also from the Guardian, which by the way is a left-leaning newspaper in the UK, is an article about what has changed.

There still might be global warming, and no one is really pro-pollution and hoping we all die in the second great flood(which theologically couldn't happen, unless you don't trust the Bible...that's another blog post). But let's be honest, use all the facts, remember there is a lot of money and power involved in this topic on a global scale, and question with boldness. Putting our heads in the sand will not help anyone or anything. But neither does lying to prove what you are doing.

[Image from The Nothing Corporation]

Friday, November 5, 2010

Obama is out of touch...seriously out of touch

Well, the elections are over. No more really bad ads during football games, which probably unites us as a country more than politicians. I know people who would really like to just watch sports in peace, and not hear how candidate X wants to ship all the jobs America ever created to China or how the other candidate Y wants to give us Sharia law.

But after the House will have a swing of at least 61 seats for "the party of no," what does President Obama think the problem was which led to such a swing?

A lack of communication.


To quote a CBS News article found here, it says, "President Obama acknowledges what many have seen as his chief weakness – failing to sell the importance of several legislative milestones to the American people."

Maybe it was the fact people did NOT WANT what was passed? Did this thought even cross your mind? This is the arrogance people really hate. It's not the fact that Mr. Obama can't speak. I've found him to be a great speaker. It's never going to be his delivery which is a problem. It's the content of the speech I'm going to hate. Governor Bobby Jindal gave the response to President Obama's speech in 2009 after the state of the union address. It was painful to watch. He's probably not going to do anything on the national level of politics ever again. It made Mr. Obama look awesome. I don't like Mr. Obama, but he looked really good.

No, maybe it's the fact taxes are going to rise, along with my health insurance (which has already happened). Maybe it's the fact our economy is going to face massive amounts of inflation because we're not willing to sacrifice some programs. Maybe it's the fact our debt is out of control, and we're going to be Greece in a few years. It's not the lack of communication. President Bush didn't communicate well, but he understood he lost power and tried to change his agenda (which I didn't like). President Clinton understood in '94. President Obama doesn't.

It looks more and more like Mr. Obama is a rich man's Billy Mays, RIP. We know the products aren't all that great, and we liked the initial pitch. But now that we got them and see what they really are, we want our money back. But rather than have satisfied customers, they give us more stuff we don't want.

We're not dumb, and we do get it, Mr. Obama. We just don't want it.