Monday, June 7, 2010

Without Facebook, No One Remembers Your Birthday

Today is my birthday. I guess you could say this blog is my gift to myself. I have to try to keep writing. I went to school for it, for crying out loud.

But with it being my birthday, I reminisced about the things which happened over the years and all the good birthdays, and even the bad one (19th). But what really is noticeable is your birthday on Facebook. All of a sudden, people you haven't talked to since elementary school are saying happy birthday. You really are in awe that this many people took 20 seconds out of their busy day to wish you a happy birthday. Isn't it awesome?

But then, you have to ask yourself what life is really like without the benefit of a social networking site which stores everything for you. Do you really know your friend's birthday if they came up to you and asked you, "hey what's my birthdate?" No. In fact, here's a list of who's birthdays I do know: mom's; dad's; younger brother; youngest brother; grandfather's on my dad's side (day after my dad's); grandfather on my mom's side (Christmas); my three housemates' who were with with me my first year after college; first girlfriend's; and that's about it. Pathetic, I know.

But with the addition of technology making our lives better in so many ways, it has also allowed us to become more lazy than we could ever imagine. I mean, how many phone numbers do you know by heart anymore besides your own. I do not know my mom's cell phone number, nor my two brothers. If my phone goes down, it's over. I don't even have the benefit of a SIM card. So I'm really screwed.

Here are some other skills which have become diminished since technology has advanced: spelling; grammar (which I misspelled the first time I typed it); remembering where you parked your car (just hit the button until your trunk pops); math; balancing your checkbook (with internet banking, it's all there); and changing CDs while driving a stick and talking on your cell phone during rush hour (okay, I made the last one up).

So, curse you, technology. You have brought about laziness and forgetfulness among my friends and the people who I can barely remember. Curse you, for making me use a calculator to add. And especially, curse you, Facebook. Because I'm not drawn to your soul-taking qualities and abilities to stalk people and peer in on their photos of them probably doing things their parents would not like, I'm am left with only a handful of happy birthdays from people who I know actually do care enough about me to know my actual birthdate. Thank goodness I can vent because of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this article. Thank you!
    I recently decided to go off Facebook to take a break. A few weeks later my birthday came round...
    And the only birthday wishes came from my family, my boyfriend and my best friend.
